Rose Of Tralee

Beauty, Tradition, History

Beauty, Tradition, History

Rose of Tralee

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Rose of Tralee International Festival

Is an event which is celebrated among Irush communities all over the world. The festival, held annually in the town of Tralee in County Kerry, takes its inspiration from a 19th-century ballad of the same name about a woman called Mary, who because of her beauty was called „The Rose of Tralee”. The words of the song are credited to C. (or E.) Mordaunt Spencer and the music to Charles William Grover, but a story circulated in connection with the festival claims that the song was written by William Pembroke Mulchinock, a wealthy Protestant, out of love for Mary O’Connor, a poor Catholic maid in service to his parents

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Being Beautiful


Rose of Tralee International Festival Office,

Denny Street, Tralee, Co Kerry


+66 7121322


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